Top 5G Stocks from TATA Group in India to invest in 2021 |

 Here is the top 5G stocks from TATA Group that are going to be play key role in building 5G infrastructure and also going to get benefited from 5G in India.   

We’ve been already published an article about the EV Stocks from TATA Group.                                                                           

What is 5G Technology ?

5G technology is the successor of 4G technology which currently we are using, In telecommunications the 5G is next generation of technology to build more faster, efficient and accurate network infrastructure.

In building this 5G infrastructure, not only telecom players, but also so many companies should work on it to build the 5G eco system. not only 5g, but also in building any type eco system there should be the consolidated and efforts of relevant companies. here also the same thing is going to happen that in building 5G eco system in India, some TATA group companies are working very seriously on it. we’ll discuss all the stocks in detail.

Top 5G Stocks from TATA Group:

1. TATA Consultancy Services Ltd

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd is India’s largest IT company and also playing key role in establishing 5G network in India. TCS is making the indian telecom companies 5G ready by implementing SDN controller modules, Virtualizing the functions through NFV for centralised network control and implementation of changes in real time, Harnessing self awareness network AI to analyse data, predict 5G future network conditions, possible issues and achieve hyper automated 5G network with zero heman intervention and leveraging edge computing to maintain 5G level QoS and latency in IoT use cases.

Also TCS has been announced collaboration with Indian telecom giant Bharti Airtel to develop Made in India 5G. TCS has beeb developed a state of art O-RAN based radio and NSA/SAa core and has totally integrated indigenous telecom stack. leveraging  group capabilities and that of commercial development starting january 2022.

Airtel will deploy this indigenous solution as part of it’s roll out plans of 5G in India. also TCS has strategic partnerships with UK’s Three to build 5g network.

These all things will drive the company positively as this company is already a financially and fundamentally a strong company that is debt free and generating positive cash flows from it’s operations. these collaborations and partnerships will lead the company positively.

2. Tejas Networks Ltd

Tejas Networks is Bangalore based company that engaged in the business of prducing the optical and data networking products. this company has the leading telecom players as their clients. and this company expecting that 100 million plus homes will have a fiber broadband connection. if that comes true, Tejas networks is biggest beneficiary.

Tejas Networks is an active player in shaping india’s 5G and also contributes to the global 5G. Tejas has adopted a software driven hardware architecture that enables quick and cost effective delivery of network solutions to telecom companies.

Also Tejas products can adopt any higher technology without any network disruption. Tejas also has some of the 5G ready products that are such as Ultra converged broadband access, high performance crosshaul solutions, massively scalable Multi – Terabit products and Multi – layered SDN ready network management.

3. TATA Communications Ltd

TATA Communications is one of the leading telecom company from TATA Group that was engaged in the business of telecommunication activities that provides internet access be the operator of the wired infrastructure also working on other satelite related communication system. TATA communications already started 5G trials. this company has the strong client base such as Microsoft, Infor, Trent and many more.

This company offers the services such as Network solutions, Cloud and managed hosting solutions, Digital security solutions, Solutions for media & entertainment and E mobility & IoT. This company helps the business firms to become digitally enabled and to establish secured networks. this company covers the industries such as Manufacturing, Automation and Banking & Financial,

4. TATA Tele Services Ltd

TATA Tele Services Ltd is also one of the beneficiary that gets benefited from TATA group, from 5G technology. this company offers Cloud solutions, Saas and Data services, Marketing solutions, Voice services, IoT, solutions and cyber security solutions. after 5G establishment and digital transformation there would be huge demand for this company and it’s solutions. this company has a great products in it’s portfolio, those can helps the companies to make themselves enabled digitally.

Conclusion :

As all above discussed all 5G stocks from TATA group are the fundamentally and financially strong stocks and we have been discussed these stocks as they will get benefited from 5G technology that can transform the country and so many segments into digital way. these companies will provide all the support and solutions to the enterprises which were wants to transform themselves digitally across various steps. in every phase of the firm’s digital transformation there will be support and solution from TATA. that can helps the company to deliver improved productivity and cost effective management. we can accumulate these stocks in evey 15% correction for long term as they are in the business of future.

Disclaimer : The above all recommendations are from the individuals, working for ICICI Securities. please do your own research before investing else take an advice from your financial advisor.